DoomSanta – The Night Before Painting

DoomSanta – The Night Before Painting

Twas two weeks before Christmas when a realization set in:"I haven't started my Secret Santa project. I'd better get crackin'!I dashed to the game shop while snow fell from the air,Hoping the model I needed still would be there.Tucked deep in the back, behind a mess...

How Important Is an Online Community?

I've been a fan of online gaming communities ever since I discovered a forum dedicated to Ogre Battle 64. Not only could I find an accessible knowledge base, but I could talk about anything related to the game we all loved. Since then, any time I find something I'm...

Helping Others Play Like Me

Our group has started a list dojo. People will submit a list, or just a warcaster they like, and people will try to help them build a list, discuss it as a group, so on and so forth. It's very much a "it takes a village..." mentality, and I think it's great.One of our...
Realistic Water for Blood and Profit

Realistic Water for Blood and Profit

One of the greatest, sloth-enabling products I've found is  Realistic Water by Woodland Scenics. A lot of people, including myself, will use things like Envirotex Lite for bigger water projects because it's about half the price when things are all said and done....

Done with the Undead?

I'm finally caught up with The Walking Dead, and during my watching I found myself thinking a horrible thought. I'm getting tired of these zombies getting in the way of the story. What?!As a whole, I know our culture is getting burned out on zombies and vampires....