What Was Your Haul?

Black Friday has come and (almost) gone, and gamers were treated to a lot of sweet deals this year. Last year I managed to score a Behemoth for about $35, so I was definitely excited to see what was in store this year. Long story short - I cheated and then cheaped...

My Top 10 – Happy Thanksgaming

Here in the states we're indulging in an unhealthy amount of turkey and sports (or just double the turkey, in my case). In keeping with tradition, here are 10 gaming experiences I'm thankful for this year.10. Buying an airbrushPainting minis and playing them go...

Perfect(ly Bad) Storms

On top of my dryer dying and needing to install a new subfloor and toilet, this morning I discovered that our pipes froze and that my PSN account was hacked and had $150 charged to it, followed by buying $150 in EA Sports DLC (huh?). So why not force a blog topic...
Strike a Pose

Strike a Pose

I'm a bit of a gawker when it comes to miniatures. I can get lost in a gallery of models for any game - thinking about paint schemes, how they'd look on the table, admiring details, thinking about cool ways to do the bases...  sometimes I feel fortunate that my...
My Top 10 – Bad Decisions in My Favorite Games

My Top 10 – Bad Decisions in My Favorite Games

Let's be honest, all games have their bad moments. Even games that get perfect scores across the board aren't flawless, but they can still be great games.However, some games also have some horrible decisions that make my head want to explode as I try to figure out...