ABO Gaming at Games Workshop Red House

It was in December that Melvin and DF both had sometime off work. YC was also off work and I was clearing leave. It was a match made in heaven. All 4 of us hauled ass to Games Workshop Red House (Singapore). New reinforcementsIn time for our game So I rushed...

I Am Back!

Hi guys and apologies for disappearing for such a long time. I got the keys to my new place and got a new job as well. Basically I had no time last year to really sit down and blog the hobby you and I both love so very much. I will use the next few posts to play catch...

Additional Malifaux Goodies

I have been busy beavering away at my Malifaux collection and raising them as quickly as possible. Quite recently I managed to secure some reinforcements for my Ten Thunders and Outcasts which should give me some options with the Schemes and Strategies. Got them...

Malifaux Ten Thunders Shenlong vs Outcasts and Neverborn

Managed to get 2 games in with Eugene and Pat. I had just finished up Shenlong's crew out of the box and wanted to give him a go so I set up to play with that in mind. The first game had me playing Eugene and his Outcasts. He brought the Victorias (and their...