Tourney Prep: Tyranids vs Orks

Mark is a fantastic painter and collector. He has been catching up with me quite regularly last week and we discussed quite a bit on army composition. We then organised a game. This was mission 2, the Relic with Cloak and Dagger. Having played this mission...

Batrep: Tourney Prep – Tyranids vs Tau

Got Pat out for a game. This is part of my Tourney Prep series as I gear up more games.My list stays pretty much the same (WYSIWYG) while Pat brought a balanced Tau army which proved to be quite mobile. His army was also WYSIWYG.Things to note:Tau have a preponderence...

Batrep: Tourney Prep Tyranids vs Ultramarines

Marsh and I met for our usual Monday gaming at Titan. 1850 tourney lists - no quarter given. The following is the result of our 3 hour timed game. The models are pretty much WYSIWYG except for a few. Mission: Maelstorm + the Relic (15...

Slowburn: Month 2 and 3 Show & Tell

It is the end of the 3rd Month and we decided to meet for the Show & Tell on Saturday, 25th August at Titan Games. I brought my 750 list (basically everything I have committed and painted for the Slowburn League. Here are some pictures from the event. My...

Slowburn: Blood Angels vs Adeptus Mechanicus

Got Pat into the store and we put our 750 point armies on the table. Pat was looking to try the Admech and I had my Slowburn army with me. I played the very same Take All Comers List while Pat brought a simple Admech list. All models are WYSIWYG. Mission: Spoils...