by Raymond Tan | Jul 22, 2015
As the month comes to a close and it is time for the Show and Tell at Titan Games, I have put the finishing touches on most of the models. Some models like the Drop Pod is getting an extra level of paint job owing to some scratches during game last week.Because we...
by Raymond Tan | Jul 21, 2015
The skies rip open as the Angels of Death clash. Davin just returned from the States and brought with him his Dark Angels. With the Slowburn League in full swing, we brought our painted armies to play. Sicaran, Drop Pod Assault Squad, Sniper Scouts, Tactical...
by Raymond Tan | Jul 20, 2015
Marsh and Pat has suggested that I take part in the next 40k tournament. Now, those who have followed the blog for a long while, will know that I took part in Sporecon 2011 which actually marred the tournament experience for me. It was because I went in with the...
by Raymond Tan | Jul 15, 2015
Thought I would share the work I put into my Tyranids prior to the Apocalypse at SOGCON. Here are some quick snippets.WIP on the Barbed Heirodule. It has been completed with more details but I did not manage to take a picture. Check the Batrep out for some pics!I...
by Raymond Tan | Jul 14, 2015
I have seen on a number of forums the use of Assault Melta Squads as the go to option for busting tanks open so added that into my army. It was first brought to my attention by our own Sam who highlighted that it was cheaper (in points) to field an Assault unit...