Secret Batrep: 1850 Tyranids vs Necrons – Tournament Prep

Patrick was preparing for the Annual GREX 3v3 Tournament last weekend and asked me for a game in preparation for the event. Unfortunately I could not put the Batrep up prior to the event to protect Pat's list from the participants. I prepared my best list I was...

Apocalypse: Imperials vs Tyranids (With over 18,000 points)

The guys and myself got together and made our way to Teck Ghee for the SOGCon, the Singapore Open Gaming Convention. We put together 3 major forces, first being a coalition of 3 Tyranid players, the second an Imperial force and the third a Dark Eldar Raiding Party....

Batrep Blood Angels vs Tyranids

As this is the third month, we have escalated to 750 points each. Sam and I wanted to test our lists out so brought them to Titan Games for a game. I brought a mixed list based on my collection expanded. Chaplain with Jump Pack Death Company x7 with...

Breaking News: Age of Sigmar Leaks

Before I returned to 40k, I was dabbling with my Orcs and Goblins for quite awhile. Age of Sigmar is the new Fantasy and there are obviously changes coming and I welcome it. I guess everyone is excited about the release and here are some amazing leaks. GW really...

Magnetized Dozer Blade on Rhino Chasis

Marshall was really nice to pass me a pair of Dozer Blades since I prefer to have a fully WYSIWYG army. I decided to magnetize it for easier transportation. Top tips: always use the drill bit that is the exact same size as your magnet to make it much easier for...