Sicaran Battle Tank

Some of you must have spotted my Sicaran Battle Tank in the battle report with Marshall. Completed the tank but didn't manage to prime it in time for the gameDoing work from Day 1I chose to bling the Sicaran out with the Forgeworld Etched Brass kit for the Blood...

Kill Team 2v2

After we finished the Month End Show and Tell, a majority of the boyz broke off to play some good old Kill Team. YC, Marshall, Mark and myself decided to slug it out. It was a 2v2 with Kill Teams. Marshall and myself would form the Red Alliance while YC and Mark...

Slowburn Month 1: Show and Tell

1 month has passed and each player who committed to the cause has delivered. There were some exceptional armies on display and I am pleased to present the completed 250 points. We had 2 judges who marked each player based on 3 criteria: Painting, Fluff and...

Blood Angel Colour Guide

As I am painting my Blood Angels, I keep asking myself this question: How do I distinguish each unit from the other while keeping to the Codex guides? So I started searching online and I found an impressive guide.Extracted this from Bolter and Chainsword: I've...

New Space Marine Sprue Leaks – ABO Exclusive

Kinda glad I held out from getting the old Assault Squad. Although I expect prices to go up, these new Space Marines are certainly much nicer. Enjoy the pics boyz!Ultramarines getting their own upgrade sprueNew Assault Marines on elevated basesDark Angels get their...