Exterminatus Week 1 Summary

Shield of Baal: Exterminatus Week 1 concluded on Sunday. Here are the highlights for the week.Mephrit Lord Jason sent in his C'Tan shard in while riding his Barge. Supporting the Star God, this Deathstar unfortunately got bogged down by Gant after Gant after...

Batrep 1000 Points: Hivefleet Leviathan vs Necrons

Had a game with Ralph who is new to 7th ed so we agreed to play at 1000 points instead of the usual 1850. In hindsight, we should have just played one of the Eternal War missions instead of the Maelstrom due to it being a little more complex. Nonetheless, we both had...

Completed the Toxicrene

Finally put the brush to this model. I based coated this fella a couple of months ago when it first came out and was really more of a purchase on the whim. It was raining when I was at Titan and I had an hour to kill to I thought, why not, let's get that new kit. I...