Vallejo to GW Paint Conversion Table

Found this online while looking for paints from the Vallejo range. It is really handy so I thought I would save a copy of this here for future reference. So many options, so confusing! Just remember that if you are using an airbrush, look for the Game Air...

Batrep: 2v2 Tourney Prep

Ed is preparing for the 2v2 tourney over at Titan Games and wanted to get in a few games prior to the actual event. I volunteered to help him hone his army. He plays Dark Eldar. I brought my Nids.I was meant to participate in the 2v2 tourney too but am caught with...

Deathstorm – Week 2 Mission

Captain Karlaen is pinned under the rubble of an ancient statue. Squad Alphaeus has to hold back a horde of Genestealers and deal with the Warriors and a lumbering Carnifex. Will the Blood Angels hold out in time for help to come? Ed and I are back with the...

Batrep: Hive Fleet Leviathan vs Imperial Fists

My game with Jason the Ripperling (who brought a C'tan) from the previous Necrons Codex did not allow me to really try out my Alpha Strike list. I challenged Marshall for a game. Marshall has been working tirelessly under the guidance of Melvin (Beefnuggets) to paint...