by Raymond Tan | May 12, 2018
Jason (also known as Ripperling on this blog) and I signed up and took part in a 2v2 Tournament at Dueler's Point. It's a 1,000 point event that pits 2 players against another 2 but in 2 separate games over a 4x4 table. After a few weeks of tweaking my list from...
by Raymond Tan | Dec 18, 2017
Just found some old pictures in my phone and thought I would share them with you guys! Sanguinary Priest on bikeLoads of BA Tacticals but don't know when I'll use them if ever
by Raymond Tan | Dec 17, 2017
Have gotten around to painting my Ashes and Dust for my Outcast faction. Really good fun putting this model and painting it. Here are some highlight photos from my journey! Big believer in putting as many models together as possible, even terrain! Raw...
by Raymond Tan | Dec 16, 2017
Gamersaurus Rex organized a newbie friendly event at 1000 points and I threw in my hat to support them. Originally I had planned to bring another list which contained some Genestealers but ended up scrapping the idea when Leon thrashed me convincingly. Looked...
by Raymond Tan | Dec 15, 2017
A bunch of us at ABO attended a recent Games Day that was organized by Leon and Dueller's Point. This was a 1000 point friendly event that encouraged efficient lists but not too spammy. Considering I haven't played too much 40k 8th Edition till this point, I went with...