Anything But Ones 2014-12-11 06:37:00

Something a little different. Jason, a new Tyranid player just joined the Hive Mind at Titan Games and came up with some sound strategy on how to make best use of the scenario special rules and win it for the Tyranids. Here is his story.As battle unfold...The Hive...

Deathstorm – An Overview

Pre-ordered this the moment I knew it contained Tyranids and Blood Angels. Those Following the blog would be aware that I got the Space Hulk when it was re-released this 2014. This meant the start of a small contingent of Blood Angels who are steep in lore and...

Shield of Baal – Week 1 Results for the Vitria Strike

I am running a modified campaign for the Shield of Baal at my LGS. As there are few players who actually have Sisters of Battle, I have swapped them out for Imperials which include Astra Militarum, Astartes, Sororitas, Inquisition, Grey Knights and all Space Marine...
Shield of Baal – Campaign Week 1 Vitria Strike

Shield of Baal – Campaign Week 1 Vitria Strike

3,000 points aside, we played a 2v2 game. Each player had 1,500 points to play with. This is the first game for the Shield of Baal Campaign that I am running for Titan Games. It is a 7 week campaign that uses league rules. Two main factions each vying for Mission...
Batrep: 1850 of Ultramarines vs Hivefleet Leviathan

Batrep: 1850 of Ultramarines vs Hivefleet Leviathan

Fresh off the defeat to Marshall in the previous game I am back for another. This time I rushed out my Tyrannocytes but I still have some work to do on them. Washing them is quite difficult owing to their size forcing me to slap that wash in one go where...