Batrep:1850 Tyranids vs Eldar

Batrep:1850 Tyranids vs Eldar

War arrivesMy Altansar Eldar take on Marshall's Hive Fleet Behemoth again. Marshall changed bits of his army from the previous game by removing the Raveners and replacing them with Genestealers. Here are the army lists:Altansar EldarHQFarseer: Jetbike,...
Batrep: 1850 Altansar Eldar vs Hive Fleet Behemoth

Batrep: 1850 Altansar Eldar vs Hive Fleet Behemoth

Marshall called me late in the morning to let me know that he can play today! So I packed up my bags and made my way to the game store. This was the start of a very close game. I brought my Take All Comers ListAltansar EldarHQFarseer: Jetbike, Witchblade, Runes...
Completed Guardian Squad Addan’s Wave Serpent

Completed Guardian Squad Addan’s Wave Serpent

I managed to put the final touches on the Wave Serpent that serve Guardian Squad Addan. These included panel line highlights which is a mix of Warlock Purple and Emperor's Children. I then go back and pick out the extreme edges with Emperor's Children. Also added...