Space Wolf Updates and Dark Eldar

Space Wolf Updates and Dark Eldar

Very impressed with Defu's progress with his Stormfang so I thought I would share it with everyone. Manual brushworkEdging all done. That is focusFinally the Dark Eldar Voidraven flyer hits
Tournament Practice

Tournament Practice

The GREX store tournament is coming this 28th Sept and I will be playing. Will probably be bringing my Phantom Mini Swarm - one of the variants. With the PI League in full swing now, I took the opportunity to score some league points and get some practice in with...
X-Wing: PI League and Marshall 40K

X-Wing: PI League and Marshall 40K

The PI X-Wing league has started so I headed down to PI yesterday to get in a few games. Dale who works at the store gave me 2 solid and close games! I brought a variant of my Phantom + mini swarm for my first game. Dale brought Chewy, Airen and a Red...
X-Wing with Roy and Space Hulk

X-Wing with Roy and Space Hulk

Changed it up a little yesterday. Got into BB at about 1:30PM and while waiting for Roy, I worked on the paint job that I botched up previously. Also added red dots to start up the Tie Fighter engines! Playing Rebels instead this time. Actually sat down and...
More X-Wing, PI League

More X-Wing, PI League

Got a few games of X-Wing in yesterday with Jeremy and Vick. Also managed to pick up some loot for the PI League. Thanks Dale! Flew the Whisper's Academy: "Whisper" — TIE Phantom 32Veteran Instincts 1Fire-Control System 2Advanced Cloaking Device...