by Raymond Tan | Dec 14, 2017
With the Blood Angel codex out for the 8th edition and a boat load of my old minis not having seen much action, Raymond Nguan and myself hit the table at Dueller's Point to get a 1000 point game in. Using the ITC ruleset and scenario, we played Capture and...
by Raymond Tan | Aug 26, 2017
Unfortunately today I have to share this with the community. TLDR? If you are planning to order from Advance Deployment, stop. A ton of promises, a number of lies and lack of follow led to this outcome.The following timeline have been shortened to spare you the number...
by Raymond Tan | Aug 2, 2017
I missed out submitting in time for Total Testerone for Wyrd's monthly competition so I made it a point to complete my submission for Femma Fatale. It's a competition that Wyrd organizes on the Forums to encourage people to push their skills or for some, just to...
by Raymond Tan | Jul 25, 2017
Master and Faction locked in, Samuel our Henchman organized a 50 soulstone tournament for us at Card Geeks. Designed to help the newer players who had smaller hiring pools, the locked Master and Faction leveled the playing field. With a showing of 12 players, this is...
by Raymond Tan | Jun 17, 2017
Quite recently my Malifaux Whatsapp group has been discussing how to best prep and paint the Malifaux models. In particular, some of the guys are of the opinion that Wyrd models are harder to paint compared to a GW model which tend to have more defined lines. I...