Batrep: Skarsnik vs Morathi

Batrep: Skarsnik vs Morathi

Really glad that Defeng has joined the Blood in the Badlands Campaign held at Titan. He put a 2000 point force and off we went to Titan Games for our game. Added 3 Trolls, 2x5 Wolves to my list from the extra pointsI didn't actually bring the NG Shaman so removed...
X-Wing 100 Points Battle

X-Wing 100 Points Battle

After a short hiatus from X Wing, I finally got back into it with Roy at Titan. Flew the Aces and I am impressed with some of the moves those new ships can do. This was the list that I played (courtesy of Roy):Kath Scarlet with Expert Handling, AutoblasterCarnox...
Batrep: Altansar Eldar vs Hive Fleet Behemoth

Batrep: Altansar Eldar vs Hive Fleet Behemoth

Fresh off the game with Marshall yesterday, I challenged him again to another game of 40k. This time I looked into the moves I made in the previous game and found the mistakes. From deployment to actual game play, I noticed a few mistakes. Confirming these moves, I...
Batrep: Altansar Eldar vs Hive Fleet Behemoth: Skyblight

Batrep: Altansar Eldar vs Hive Fleet Behemoth: Skyblight

Played a 1850 game vs Marshall yesterday. He brought a good Tyranid Skyblight List. Enjoy!Deployment: Hammer & AnvilMission: The Emperor's WillEldar rolled up the following:Warlord: Guide, Prescience, PrecognitionCommand Trait: Re-roll all Difficult Terrain2nd...