Craftworld Altansar Background Added

Craftworld Altansar Background Added

Read the Militarum Tempestus book the other day and caught the following regarding Craftworld Altansar. I have added the brief into the Craftworld Background CompilationWhen the legendary Ordo Tempestus relics, the Barbed Gauntlets of Avitus, had been stolen by the...
Batrep: Night Goblins vs High Elves

Batrep: Night Goblins vs High Elves

I played this battle last week and meant to put it up sooner but work took the better part of my time. Here it is. I played a 1800 points of Night Goblins led by Snarsnik against the High Elves of Alarielle played by Dennis Sng. This was part of the Blood in the...
Batrep: Altansar Eldar vs Astra Militarum 1850

Batrep: Altansar Eldar vs Astra Militarum 1850

Just finished a game with Abdullah over at PI Midpoint. 1850 of Eldar vs Astra Militarum. I brought my usual list comprising the following:HQFarseer: Jetbike, Witchblade, Runes of WitnessingFarseer: Jetbike, Witchblade, Runes of WitnessingTroopsDire Avengers x5: Wave...
Skarsnik Marches to War

Skarsnik Marches to War

I kickstart my turn on the Titan Games Blood in the Badlands campaign this evening. I will play with my Night Goblin army and my first opponent will be Darren who is controlling the High Elves. Thought I show you guys the map. I will update after the game!I am late to...
Batrep: 1850 Altansar Eldar vs Alpha Legion (30k Army)

Batrep: 1850 Altansar Eldar vs Alpha Legion (30k Army)

Managed to get YouCai (aka CrazyRat) out to play a game of 40k with me. It has been quite awhile since I played with him. I brought my usual 1850 of Altansar, hoping to continue testing this army. I tweaked it a little by changing out the Scatter Lasers for Bright...