Henchman Hardcore Tournament May 2017

Samuel together with Card Geeks organized another Henchman Hardcore tournament for the local players. This time we managed to gather 10 players. I brought Rusy Alyce, Johan, Strongarm Suit and Desperate Mercenary. Ai brought Ottotto, Jorugumo, Lone Swordsman and...

Malifaux Henchman Hardcore Painting

With the Henchman Hardcore tournament coming up just around the corner, I started working on the models! Here they are. Rusty Alyce and Strongarm SuitTrap for Ai's listRusty Alyce completedWIP for the JorugumoA bit of that back actionTo be fair, I struggled to...

Misaki Gets Reinforced and Inspiration from South Africa

The Outcast get some helpAnd so did Misaki! Ms Black Teeth, Ohaguro Bettari!Asami comes into frayWhile those minis dried by the table, I was fortunate enough to journey out to South Africa. With Malifaux fresh on my mind, I found things that were interesting for...

Malifaux – Batch Highlighting

Practice game with the missus before I started working on some the primed miniatures.Managed to get in a game with the wife to reacquaint her to Henchman Hardcore and Malifaux.I'm a big believer of priming and then hitting the models with a zenithal highlight all...

Shenlong vs Parker Barrows – 35SS Malifaux Battle

Had the opportunity to play with Eugene. Flipped for Schemes and Strats and I chose the 3 in the 3rd picture. Overall it was a really good game and I am beginning to see the Shenlong crew synergy. I managed to upgrade Sensei Yu a little more this time with The...