by RealGenius | Jun 25, 2013
40K Pairs Tournament Final Results Name Battle Sports Paint Total Bran Kings 71 15 28 114 Turd Ferguson 66 15 32 113 Team Spikey Bits 52 15 38 105 Surprise Space Wolves 64 15 20 99 Team Bailey 44 15 29 88 Ball and Chain 37 15 35 87 Rust in Peace 47 15 25 87 Wonderbob...
by RealGenius | Jun 6, 2013
Space is still available for many events. We are accepting at-the-door registrations Friday morning, starting at 7:30 AM.
by RealGenius | Jun 4, 2013
WAR Games Con 2013 is almost here. Last minute preparations are in full swing. For the latest behind-the-scenes pics, check out our twitter feed. If you're attending, or just watching, check out the schedule and directory at...
by RealGenius | Apr 26, 2013
Here's a quick Basilisk-to-Medusa conversion I used for my Pre-Heresy Luna Wolves army. It was based on this picture at Dakka. Unlike the Dakka version I had no spare Storm Sword barrel. Seems like a pricey bit to use for this, so I substituted in a...
by RealGenius | Feb 7, 2013
Playing in the local Crusade of Fire campaign has given me an opportunity to get back to work on my Fire Hawks army. Besides getting some more of my stuff assembled and painted, I've had a chance to put my first Blood Talon Furioso together.The Blood Angels...