From The Chopping Broard – Cataphractii Deathwing Knights

Hey folks.I'm keeping this brief today as I really, really need to go eat, but I know I won't have chance to post after food tonight or over the Easter weekend.So, we went to Throne of Skulls. I got my arse kicked 4 out of 5 games. Kinda expected. Two losses were...

Throne of Skulls – Today!

It's just gone 2:45am here in London. In 8.5 hours I'll be on the train to Warhammer World in Nottingham for March's Thrne of Skulls tournament.Of course, the fact I'm awake means my army is definitely not as painted as I'd like it to be, but I've reached a cut off...

Left Handed Frag Cannon

I know, I know - not the promised painting progress. Instead of painting one thing a day I'm doing bits of everything all at once so there's not yet much to show.What I have done inbetween layers drying/whilst watching the first Grand Prix of the season is fit my...

Quick Update

Assault cannon bodied SgtHey there.Been a couple of weeks since I posted so here's a quick refresh.Dark Angels are pretty much all built, just a couple of bike riders to finish off. The photo left and the ones further down this post show the (very simple) variety I've...