Deathwing Build: Belial x 3 Done

Good morning (it's just after 1am in the UK). Just a very quick post tonight as I just finished gluing a whole bunch of Terminators including all three variants of Belial.While I don't dislike the original model of Belial (holding is sword up) I do think he's a little...

Cork Basing – The Beginners Guide

With 'Project Dark Angels' commencing in earnest this week during a break from work I thought I'd pop up a post about how I'm doing the bases for these guys.All my previous (recent) models are based on gravel, sand, slate, or a combination. This works well and looks...

Incoming: Dark Angels

Hey all, just a quickie.Picked up my order from the excellent Dark Sphere here in London today, saving myself a tidy £35 thanks to their webstore discount.I got two Deathwing boxes, one Ravenwing box and my first ever Land Raider - not bad considering I've had a...

Yet Another Deathwing Force

I'm surprised the net hasn't collapsed under the weight of Terminator armour this last week or two. Everyone and his mother has finally started work on the Dark Vengeance models and adding a smattering of the new Dark Angel releases.The Grotto is no exception to this...