Christmas Hobby Drought = Over

Hey!Remember this blog? No? Oh.I've been very quiet this last month since my Dreadnought post at the start of December. In 'real life' I manage a clothes section of a department store: we had sale early, were open long know the drill. Retail work + Xmas =...

From The Chopping Board – Articulating a Dreadnought Part 1

Hey folks.Regular service of chopping up things and making them a little different resumes! I've been a bit 'meh' about all my projects recently, having stared a cool Ork conversion (but not bothered to finish), purchased and built and Eldar War Wlaker (but not...

Oh my, oh my: Kingdom Death Kickstarter

Those of you who've read this blog before will have notice I'm quite a fan of the Kingdom Death range of miniatures. While often controversial (the Wet Nurse) I think their models and some of the bet cast, most originally imagined models out there. I now own four of...

Throne of Skulls 2012 Recap, and ZOMBIES!

Thought I'd finally post the pictures of the October 2012 Thone of Skulls we attended a couple of weeks ago.Unfortunately quite a few haven't come out great so I've left them out, fuzzy pics are no fun for anyone and don't do some of the great armies justice. I...

So I Almost Won Throne of Skulls…Or Not

I'm a glamorous chap huh?? Two weeks ago two friends and I returned to Throne of Skulls at Warhammer World.Between us we ere equipped with Grey Knights (Draigowing) IG (mixed) and Angels Sanguine/Guard ally (me). My list:ReclusiarchSang Priest5 DC, power fistDC Dread,...