20 Questions (Surprise!)

Hey there dudes, dudettes and geeks of all ages!T-minus 3.5 days to go until my computer, models and everything else back (TV, playstation, bedding, hurrah!) are back in my life in the new flat. In the meantime, I'm posting from my phone. There's this little 'quiz'...

6th Ed, 2nd Game

Hi all,I'm still being quiet - I'm still living on my Aunt's sofa while I wait for the new flat to be sorted. No model news as such as everything is stored up north.I did bring down a single 1,500 Angel Sanguine force though which is living at my friends.With all the...

6th Edition, Finally!

It was a brief affair.Over the last week of my life I've been packing everything I own into boxes. To remedy this I treated myself to the Collectors Edition of the new rule book.The mini version will be my heavily used one so I liked the idea of having this as a...

Oops…It’s Been A Month! Resin Catch Up

A month and two days to be precise. Sorry!Did you notice? No? I got away with it then and life goes on (unless BoLS kicked me off their blog list like last time!)So, as you see in the picture here my desk is about the messiest it's ever been. Thought I'd take it as a...

Warhammer World: A Brief Introduction

Anyone who's been around our hobby for more than a week or two will have heard of Warhammer World in Nottingham. Due to the ever growing international nature of the 40K community there's a relatively small percentage of us will actually ever make the pilgrimage.I've...