Short Daemon Tactica: Beasts of Nurgle

My continuing look at Codex Daemons focuses on Beasts of Nurgle. A mass of contradictory special rules, how on earth can you use this very odd unit? Truth is, I’m not exactly sure myself. The current Games Workshop model. Not brilliant in my opinion. So...

Short Daemon Tactica: Nurgle Characters

As its the Christmas season, lets catch up with those characters in a Daemon army that are just like a cuddly Santa Claus. Except for the decay and pestilence. Nurgle’s made that his own. A festive Greater Daemon of Nurgle in the GW Battle Bunker in Maryland,...

Short Daemons Tactica: Plague Drones

“Buboes, phlegm, blood and guts! Boils, bogeys, rot and pus! Blisters, fevers, weeping sores! From your wounds the fester pours.“ My look at units from the Daemons codex continues with Nurgle Plague drones. A hefty price tag comes with these flying...

Short Daemons Tactica: Plaguebearers

As my (not so) short tactica series rolls on, I’m taking some time out to wrap my head around how best to use Daemon units in 40k. Now that it’s finally possible to field mono god lists now that every god has units for each slot of the Force Organisation chart,...

Codex Chaos Daemons – A Review

So how to describe Chaos Daemons as an army? Well, random I suppose is the best word. But random in a way that can be pretty much mitigated if you know how and are willing to pay the points. Playing a Chaos Daemon army is a bit like being an accountant.  A daemonic...