Tournament Report – AusComp 1850

I recently went to an 1850pt tournament with my Harlequins army, and brought the following list.Masque Detachment3 x Lvl 2 Shadowseers3 x Harlequins troupes with one Dedicated Starweaver2 x FA starweavers1 x VoidweaverFaolchu's Blade Formation2 x 4 Skyweavers with...

1000pt Tournament Report – Rookie Rumble

  Welcome, my friend. Sit yourself down,And meet the best Shadowseer in town. Seldom will you see, a tale that's spun by me; A story of such glory, in which you'd want to be..... Took part in a 1000pt Open organised by Grex over the weekend,...

The Tale of a Tournament – A Time of Legends

Welcome my friends, come see a show that never ends. Step inside, step inside, do we have a tale for you tonight. Settle down by the fireside, and listen as we spin you a story of an era, with dashing heroes, victims and villains, and acts of uncommon valour. Ah...

First Tournament impressions: Last March of the Titans

I recently attended my very first tournament, the Last March of the Titans, and what a blast it was.The event was part of the closing down of the our regular gaming haunt, which is really a pity, but everyone of us arrived with the clear intent of having fun in the...