Speed Painted Necrons Hobby Update!

Hey guys another quick update with the Speed Painted Necrons, I spent 2 hours last night putting the finishing touches on the bases (dry brushing and matte black painting the rims of the bases). I also took a few pictures of the models in the (unconventional!) round...

Hobby Progress Update: Necrons!

Hey Guys, super quick hobby update. Over the weekend I managed to do the basing on my entire Necron army! First I put down a thick layer of black and PVA to give a super smooth black surface. This then took 24hr to cure  after which I applied a thick layer of...

A Tale of 3 Scottish(ish) Guildballers

Hey guys!Got a special wee blog post here with an introduction to Guildball by 3 (in)famous Scottish tournament players talking about why they love this new sports based miniature game. I haven't had a chance to play many games...

Painting Challenge 4: AWESOME Terrain

Hey guys! So it's month 4 of the PaintingChallenge and I have decided to try something very different: This month I would like everyone to paint or make a piece of scenery, for any gaming system. My thinking here is that there are a lot of people (myself included!)...

Foray into Battlefleet Gothic (BFG) and Rules

Hey guys! So just a wee post to show some pictures of my Battle Fleet Gothic (BFG) game playing against Ryan Savage’s brilliant Tau Fleet. For those of you who don’t know many moons (hoho!) ago Games Workshop made an excellent space fleet combat game which was...