Cheapest (?) "Warhammer" Army: Khorne Bloodbound Daemonkin

Hey guys! So last night I was mucking about with some 40k and AoS list (love me a good listing!) and got to thinking about the possibility of having a cross over 40k and AOS army. With both systems now using round bases this has become a much more tangible...

Age of Sigmar: Stormcasts vs Dwarfs (Duradin)

Hey guys quick post with some pics from a wee gaming (DICE WOOOOO!) day Mike and I had on Sunday. We played Age of Sigmar with the Stormcasts shooting off some dorfs (Yay irony!) and winning 18-2 or 19-1 (we didn’t track closely). Turns out judicators in 5s with the...

Araloth: Painting Challenge

Hey guys! So finally finished my Araloth for the painting challenge (due in just over a week guys!), thought I would try going OTT on the basing since it is such a new realm of possibility in the Age of Sigmar. Have shown step by step images below of the basing...

AoS Battle Report: Stormcast Eternals vs Lizardmen (Seraphon)

Hey guys, so I’m back from my honeymoon and wedding! Had an amazing time , really loved it!So Scott and I decided to get a wee game in of AoS last night using the Clash comp pack (little bit of modification to let Scott use his toys lol). We played Stormcasts vs...

Just Married!

Hey guys! Super glad to let you know that I got married at the weekend and I'm off on honeymoon with my beautiful new wife for 3 weeks! So very unlikely there will be any blog posts from me but a few of the guys have some awesome posts planned whole I'm away! Speak...