Necron Tomb Fleet: Battlefleet Gothic

So managed to squeeze in some more speed painting the last few evenings on the Necron battlefleet gothic harvest fleet I have amassed (read as got for a steal off ebay!!!) and got them finished! Super quick scheme to match my 40k necrons and probably only too me 3-4...

Selling My Empire: Good Home Wanted!!!

Hey guys just a quick blog post to say I am selling my Empire army to help fund my wedding/honeymoon and more Age of Sigmar purchases. Would love to see the army go to a good home and a blog follower! Blog/twitter followers can get this for £300 including UK postage....

Mierce Minatures Darklands: Guthwulf Creoda Review

Last night I had a bit of a power painting session and also finished my Mierce Minatures Darklands Anglecynn Guthwulf. Lovely model, with incredible detail, the resin is certainly not finecast and is actually quite hard so you can file it down and tweak it without...

Guildball Fishermen Team Finished!

Woo! So at last my OCD is satisfied and I have finished my Guildball team (stage 1 of the equally OCD HobbyPlan I put out yesterday). It’s taken a bit longer than I wanted (due to procrastination and distraction by new shiney) but I am happy with how the team has come...

Hobby Plan!

So I’m being a bit of a hobby butterfly and I need to get some structure to my (hobby) life lol! So in classic overly organised manner I will put down a short list of my hobby plans for the last few weeks on the run up to my wedding so I can fail and enter a shame...