Some Grey Plastic and Daft Speed Building

So I managed to crack my rib the other week while cycling (yes I should be banned from using bikes!!!!) which has put a serious dent in my exercise regime on the run up to my wedding. Really gutted about this to be honest and it is bloody sore!!! What it has meant...

Speed Painted Necrons Test Part Duex

Hey guys, so I managed to spend a bit of time at the weekend on some speed painted necrons, these bad boys took just 5 hours of painting time to complete (drying time not included). Super easy and fast!Metal:Spray: leadbelcher (GW silver)Wash all over: Nuln Oil mixed...

VOTING Age of Sigmar PaintingChallenge: Stormcast Eternal

Hey guys! Wow so many entries and enthusiasm for this, it has been very humbling and fun! Thanks for everyone who has taken part, commenting, spread the word and generally been positive! Some amazing entries and great to see the variety of uses this model has. I...

Speed Painted Necrons: Test Models

So guess what..... I have already sold my Grey Knights and bought another army.....Necrons! Decided as time is super tight for me at the moment I needed a really quick and easy army to paint and Necrons fit that bill perfectly! Some very quick and nasty test models...

Age of Sigmar: Battle Report and Thoughts Ogors vs Daemons

So the other night Scott and I played our first game of Age of Sigmar using proper non starter set armies and we had a tonne of fun. We played using @Rafazza’s Work in Progress comp system using a weight wound cap and it seemed quite good at balancing the game in our...