Guildball Fishermen: First Four Painted!

So last night I painted the first 4 models for my Fishermen Guildball team. Was a nice fun project to have on the side and I’m looking forward to finishing the rest of my team and playing my first game. I really like the models and they are in great poses but to be...

ETC Warhammer WHFB 2015 Army Lists

ALL ETC LIST COMBINED IN ONE PDF(Drop Box):  LINK   ARGENTINE TEAMJavier coachJorge gUERRini  Wood elves © “charming stelar“ Spellweaver, General, Level 4, The Lore of High Magic, Dispel Scroll, Obsidiane  Lodestone, Hail of Doom Arrow,...

Age of Sigmar Stormcast Eternal Painted and Thoughts

So over the weekend I got all caught up in the buzz of building and painting my first Age of Sigmar model, the Stormcast Eternal which came free with this week's White Dwarf. Also being this week's Lightning round Painting Challenge gave me a nice incentive to paint...

Lightning(!!!) Age of Sigmar Painting Challenge

Hey guys! Super quick post to suggest an impromptu LIGHTNING(themey?) one week painting challenge. Since we are all getting a free Stormcast Eternal model with this week's white dwarf I thought it would be really cool to paint it up in a wee as a group in time for the...

Age of Sigmar: Models sighted!!! Thoughts

So the internet just exploded and we finally have some visual of the new Age of Sigmar models!! My first instinct and impression is OMFGZZZZ awesomely cool models that are super modern. Really love this new aesthetic and I think they will be awesome to paint! 100%...