Forge World Mondus Occulum Themed Terrain Battlefield

Hey guys! So I went on a bit of (crazy) hobby binge over the weekend: I built and painted all of this….in 20hrs… :D Can’t explain how happy this terrain and scenery makes me! It is going to be so much fun playing on the table with fully painted armies for 40k,30k,...

30k Imperial Fists Research

Hey guys, just chucking up a post of some awesome imperial fist images I found while trawling google to give me some inspiration for my 30k army due to be started soon :) I'm going to try and take some of the ideas from each of the below and meld together for my...

Guildball Fishermen: Sakana and Team Finished

Hey guys! So I managed to get some painting in over the weekend and painted my final Guildball Fisherman model, Sakana the season 2 new model. There has definitely been a marked improvement in the sculpt quality in the season two models (Season 1 masons have to be the...

2016 Q1 Plan!

Hey guys just a quick post with my project plan to get my #hobbytime into order and so you know what to expect from me in the coming months:• Paint Sakura for my Guildball Fishermen: 3-5 Hours – Complete by 12/01/2016• Build and Spray Remaining Necrons (5 Triarch...

Sci Fi War Gaming Scenery Test – Mantic Dead Zone

Hey guys! I have been working on my Mantic Deadzone terrain to get a nice wee gaming table for 40k. The assembly was a much bigger under taking than I had anticipated but I am powering through nicely. I decided to have a try at painting a small ruined building I had...