It’s a Krull World….

Hey guys, Happy new year! I managed to get a good blast of painting in over the holidays and finished my Darklands, Mierce Minatures War Daemon/Kruul ( Mike’s Painting Challenge....

The Grand Decurion Phalanx of Thok

So its that time of year and stock taking is on the mind and planning for 2016 and I decided to count up what I have painted and unpainted for my Necrons so I can plan. I have already completed 65-75% of the army with the bulk of the infantry complete. The...

Speed Painted Necrons: The Cult of the Destroyer

So last night I managed to complete my Necron Destroyer cult for my Speed Painted Necron army. Quite happy with how these came out and how quickly I can get a formation painted for the table! Obviously not my best work butThe Destroyer cult is one of the best...

2016 Hobby Plans!

Hey guys! So with new year coming up and a load of things I’m wanting to get done next year I thought it would be a great time to get my shit in order and write a list! 2015 was a pretty incredible year for me, have achieved tonnes personally and in the hobby...

Guildball Team Painted Masons

Hey guys so been super busy with work and up coming holiday season stuff so sorry for the lack of updates, haven’t been able to hobby much at all! I have however managed to paint up a guildball team for Mr Johnathon Pugh. Not gonna lie I’m not a huge fan of the Masons...