Gamer Mystery Boxes – Just a Few Left

Yup that's right we have just a few more Gamer Mystery Boxes left for sale, so if you're still on the fence now is your chance to get one of the last ones! The Gamer Mystery Box is back and better than ever, but just for limited time! We just made up another batch...

SM Strike Force Ultra & Scions Back In Stock

We just updated the Games Workshop Mail Order form with the new Megaforce releases, all at 20% off MSRP! All you have to do to get your very own copy of the mail order form is email or click HERE 47-50 Militarum Tempestus...

40k Review – Ork Flash Gits Unboxing

The shinny-ist of the Orks are now here, the Flash Gitz are now available from Games Workshop. The new kit features five new models, with snazzguns that can be configured a myriad ways (see issue #19 of White Dwarf for the specifics).  Plus these guys come with a...

White Dwarf #20 – New ORKS Spoilers

The Orks are back again with a new Mek Gun, and Shokk Attack gun kit! We still haven't seen a hint of the new book yet, BUT there was a neat little spoiler shot of what looks like a new Big Mek / Warboss kit. (like issue #18's Mega Nobz). I'm hoping that guy in...

Gamer Mystery Boxes – Last Day on Sale!

Yup that's right they're back and better than ever, but just for one last day! We just made up another batch of Mystery Boxes to celebrate SpikeyCon and our four year anniversary. Best part is every box has at least two Games Workshop kits inside them, as...