7th Edition 40k Boot Camp – Psychic Phase Part 2

Welcome back for part two of our 40k Boot Camp series on the new Psychic Phase! If there is one single thing about seventh edition that's completely different most people agree psychic phase (and it quite possibly become the biggest focus for angst here soon)! So I...

GW Order Form Updated w/ SM Strike Force Ultra

We just updated the Games Workshop Mail Order form with the new Megaforce releases, all at 20% off MSRP! All you have to do to get your very own copy of the mail order form is email ordergw@spikeybits.com or click HERE 47-50 Militarum Tempestus...

7th Edition 40k Boot Camp – Psychic Phase Part 1

If there is one single thing about seventh edition that's completely different most people agree psychic phase (and it quite possibly become the biggest focus for angst here soon)! So I figured I'd kick off the Spikey Bits series of 7th Edition Boot Camp articles with...

50% OFF Used Superstore – New Items Added

Just in time for 7th! We just added over 50 new items including; Eldar, Warmachine / Hordes, Space Marines, and MORE! Tired of fumbling around on eBay only to get disappointed? This is the place for you to save some real money on your Wargaming hobby. Introducing the...

FTN Episode 53 – 7th Edition Warhammer 40k is HERE!

Episode 53 is here, download it now! 7th Edition Warhammer 40k is here!!!  We dive head first into all this edition has to offer.  We talk about a few of the things we would like to see FAQ'd immediately and go over just a little bit of list design. Enjoy!...