40k Review – Munitorium Collector’s Edition

Well as far as collectors editions go, this one seems to be pretty good. If you haven't had a chance to see the Apocalypse Collectors Edition from last year, the new 7th Edition Munitorium Edition comes in a very similar collectors box, and features all the...

Warhammer 40k 7th Edition FAQ’s Now Available

Black Library just posted up all the new 7th Edition FAQ's for 40k.   The download all button is very handy.  Prepare for another round of intense rules processing!  http://www.blacklibrary.com/faqs-and-errata.html Visit Spikey Bits for the full article!

First Look Review – Star Wars X-Wing Wave 4 Ships

Well the big Assault on Imdaar Alpha event is right around the corner, so we asked FFG if we could take a closer look at the new ships.  And as the saying goes, ask and you shall receive!  So here's our quick first look review at X-wing Miniatures'...

40k Review – New 7th Edition Rules Set

Time to rejoice? The wait is over, 7th Edition is HERE! Not even two years has passed since we were graced with 6th Edition 40k, but now we have what many hope is a more balanced rules set. Only time will tell I suppose. If you haven't picked up your copy of the new...

Get 20% OFF The New 7th Edition 40k Now!

The Galaxy continues to burn as the newest rules for Warhammer 40k are now here! Have you got your 7th Edition rules set yet? Check out all the details below, as we are now taking orders on the new rule! Best part is you can get yours for 20% OFF, and help...