LIVE 7th Edition 40k Webcast Part One

Hey guys, checkout our special 40k Seventh Edition hangout from last Saturday Night! We were talking live about the all new 7th Edition of Warhammer 40k, and our thoughts on 40k Tournament play, etc. It's 40k tournament season time BABY!  Let us help you get your...

Memorial Day- US

Across the United States besides marking the "official" start of summer, Memorial Day is a day of remembrance for those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for us. In the 40k world no one has done that more than the Emperor of Mankind who has teetered on...

X-Wing: Assault On Imdaar Alpha THIS Saturday!

Fighter Pilots, be sure to save the date May 31st for our Assault On Imdaar Alpha! This is going to be a good one so be sure to come out and compete! FTW Games (the home of Spikey Bits) will be hosting a special Star Wars X-Wing tournament Saturday, May 31st....

First Look Review – Munitorium Edition 7th 40k

Well as far as collectors editions go, this one seems to be pretty good. If you haven't had a chance to see the Apocalypse Collectors Edition from last year, this one comes in a very similar collectors box, and features the normal rules as well as some extra goodies....

First Look Review – 7th Edition 40k Rules Set

Time to rejoice? The wait is over, 7th Edition is HERE! Not even two years has passed since we were graced with 6th Edition 40k, but now we have what many hope is a more balanced rules set. Only time, will tell I supposed. But for now checkout our first look video...