First Look White Dwarf #16 – New 7th Edition 40k Spoilers

Buckle-up guys,  the latest White Dwarf was packed with a ton of new 7th Edition Spoilers! Nearly the whole magazine was stuffed with new info and even a quasi battle report for the latest Edition debuting this Saturday May 24th. But that probably pales in...

Fantasy Flashback – Battle Masters

Along with the Space Crusade, Battlemasters (from the makers of Hero Quest) was the  Milton Bradley's attempt to mainstream tabletop gaming.  The miniatures we're of course by Games Workshop/ Citadel Miniatures. If you listen to the podcast you've probably...

7th Edition 40k on Advanced Order

The Galaxy continues to burn as the newest rules for Warhammer 40k are now on Advanced Order. Have you seen the 7th Edition rules set yet? Check out all the details below, as we are now accepting advanced orders on the new set as well! Be sure to pre-order...

Get the Scoop on 7th Edition NOW!

Want the inside scoop on the new edition, what products are coming out and when to pre order? We always announce new products, contests, and recap the best blog posts from the week on our Spikey Bits eBits Newsletter. So make sure YOU get on the list...

FTN Live 40k Battlecast #8 TONIGHT 10PM EST

Checkout our next live 40k battle webcast (we're dubbing it "battlecast") Thursday May 15th at 10pm EST. Tune in TONIGHT for our THIRD THURSDAY Live webcast battle report featuring Paul Murphy, MBG, Kenny Boucher, and Juice! This month's Battlecast will feature MBG's...