Death From Below? – Hydra Plastic Kit Review

It's been a long time coming, but the 'Guard finally have a plastic Hydra model! In case you missed it over the weekend, here's a encore presentation of our Hydra Reveiw. The new kit makes both the standard Astra Militarum Hydra as well as the new  unit called...

GW Order Form Updated w/ Astra Militarum Codex!

Yup that's right treadheads we now have a new 40k Codex! Everyone around the world is snapping up the new Imperial Guard er I mean Astra Militarum codex to see just what they are about! Release wise, we have the following new items now available  Militarum...

FTN Live 40k Webcast TONIGHT 10PM EST

Hey guys, come hangout with us THIS Monday Night for another live FTN webcast! We'll be talking about the new Astra Militarum, our FTN Mission Pack, the upcoming battlecast (this Thursday), and our thoughts on 40k Tournament play, and more. It's all happening THIS...

Imperial Guard Tactics – Part One HQ’s & Orders

Yay, the Space Military is here. But how should you play them? I spent a lot time pouring over the new Astra Militarum codex, and made what I feel is a great Review and Tactics series that should provide some solid advice on what to field and how to...

First Look Review – Astra Militarum Codex

The Guard are here, and it looks like they just get better with age. If you missed it over the weekend, here's your Monday Edition of our Astra Militarum Review. Sure they have a fancy new name Astra Militarum, but for the most part it's just the same old 'Guard...