First Look Review – White Dwarf #11 w/ Astra Militarum

Well in case you haven't heard, the 'Guard are here! If you missed it over the weekend, here's your Monday Edition of our WD #11 Review. Sure the may be called the Astra Militarum now, but good luck trying to get that to stick right? Another week and another new White...

New Gaming Releases & Pre-Order Items for April

That's right we just added even more new items and pre-order goodies over on the Spikey Bits Webstore. Don't miss out on the HOT new Astra Militarum releases from Games Workshop! Also releasing this month are new faction releases for Dropzone...

Join the Newest Hobby Group on Facebook!

Join our new Facebook Group, and be a part of the newest community of hobbyists on the web! With Games Workshop pulling out of Social Media, we thought this would be a great time to launch a Facebook group and grow a new community for everyone to post and share their...

CnC and 40k? Whats the Connection

Welcome to 40k Flashback, where I dig deep for something cool that I have or have seen from back in the day. Which according to the comic Dane Cook was a Wednesday... So way back in the day Command and Conquer put out the Tiberium Alliances video game, and...

Death From Below? – Hydra Plastic Kit Review

It's been a long time coming, but the 'Guard finally have a plastic Hydra model! The new kit makes both the standard Astra Militarum Hydra as well as the new  unit called the Wyvern as well. Both are excellent choices in the heavy support slot and now with Leman...