40k Flashback – Beaky Marines Madness

Do you remember? Checkout the very first Space Marines on sprue; the Beakies. Made in the late eighties and early nineties this was the pinnacle of multi-part plastic kit technology at the time. Forge World even emulated their styling for their line of Marked armor...

Get an EXTRA 10% Back For Your Trade In

Back for a limited time only, get an EXTRA 10% Trade In Bonus on your trade-ins until April 7th for Adepticon 2014! That's right we'll be on hand at Adepticon 2014 and we'll be selling all our great used merchandise at up to 50% OFF, but we need even more of...

40k First Look – Taurox Prime Unboxing

Paddywagon or not, this may just be one of the most detailed models Games Workshop inside and out. Today we take a first look a the new Astra Militarum Taurox kit, and there doesn't seem to be any inch of this model that does not contain some sort of detail. Overall...

This Was Space Marine! – 40k Flashback

Welcome to 40k Flashback, where I dig deep for something cool that I have or have seen from back in the day. Which according to the comic Dane Cook was a Wednesday... "Space Marine" was actually the name of Epic 40k for awhile beginning in the early 1990's,...

40k Tournament at Spikey Bits – 1999+1 Points April 19th

FTW Games will be hosting a 40k Rogue Trader Tournament Saturday April 19th at 10 AM. $100 minimum in store credit for prize support So regardless of how many people show up, the prize will be at least $100 split amongst the prize winners (First, Second, and Third)!...