40k First Look – Horus Heresy Collectors Edition

If you're a fan of the Horus Heresy do believe the hype, this set is awesome. I happened to be in the right place at the right time, and scored one of these limited edition collector's sets. Not only does it include book three Extermination, it also contains the cool...

Join the Space Elf Circus – 40k Flashback

Welcome to 40k Flashback, where I dig deep for something cool that I have or have seen from back in the day. Which according to the comic Dane Cook was a Wednesday... Checkout this ad for the introduction of the Harlequins to Rogue Trader 40k! -MBG Visit...

GW Order Form Updated w/ Astra Militarum Releases!

We have a new 40k Codex! That's right, we just updated the Games Workshop Mail Order form with the new Astra Militarum releases! All you have to do to get your very own copy of the mail order form is email ordergw@spikeybits.com or click HERE Plus...

FTN Episode 45 Live from Adepticon – Part 1

Episode 45 is here. Download it now!!  This one is a little bit explicit. Hey all, This episode is a little raw.  We recorded this live at Adepticon 2014 and decided to mark it for direct release.  We talk about our experiences at the start of the...

Join the Newest Hobby Group on Facebook!

Join our new Facebook Group, and be a part of the newest community of hobbyists on the web! With Games Workshop pulling out of Social Media, we thought this would be a great time to launch a Facebook group and grow a new community for everyone to post and share their...