FTN 40k Webcast Video Uploaded on YouTube

Hey guys, if you missed it, checkout our 40k webcast hangout from Monday Night now on YouTube! We talked about the new Astra Militarum, our FTN Mission Pack, Adepticon 2014, and our thoughts on 40k Tournament play, and more. It's all happening THIS Monday Night...

GW Order Form Updated w/ Militarum Tempestus!

We just updated the Games Workshop Mail Order form with the new Astra Militarum Tempestus releases! All you have to do to get your very own copy of the mail order form is email ordergw@spikeybits.com or click HERE Plus not only can you get...

FTN Live 40k Webcast TONIGHT 10PM EST

Hey guys, come hangout with us THIS Monday Night for another live FTN webcast! We'll be talking about the new Astra Militarum, our FTN Mission Pack, Adepticon 2014, and our thoughts on 40k Tournament play, and more. It's all happening THIS Monday Night 10pm EST. Plus...

Astra Militarum Tempestus – White Dwarf #9 Review

Well I think the question still stands. Is the Astra Militarum the new Imperial Guard, and what the heck is a Tempestus? The new Weekly White Dwarf is here, and it may just be a case of "to be continued" if you're looking for a solid answer to the...

Wild Wild West – General Store Scratchbuild

Seemingly straight out of the movies comes Yepimadork's sweet General Store. Completely scratchbuilt right down to the sign, he estimates it took about 80 hours to complete. Wow. Checkout it out in depth below! -MBG Visit Spikey Bits for the full article!