Get an EXTRA 10% Back For Your Trade In

Back for a limited time only, get an EXTRA 10% Trade In Bonus on your trade-ins until April 7th for Adepticon 2014! That's right we'll be on hand at Adepticon 2014 and we'll be selling all our great used merchandise at up to 50% OFF, but we need even more of...

Astartes Battle Report – FTN Battlecast #6 VIdeo

It's Brother vs. Brother in this ageless battle to see who is the king of the Space Marines! Best of all, we shared it all live with YOU our loyal listeners and readers!  If you didn't happen to catch it live, you can still get in on all the action with our recap...

Miniature Market (Gamer Flea Market) THIS SAT March 29th

Time to unload all the unwanted toy soldiers in your closet and turn it into something new! Dig out your old stuff, and bring it down to FTW Games (The Home of Spikey Bits) for our next Miniature Market on Saturday, March 29nd at 12 Noon! Take what you don't...

FTN Live 40k Webcast TONIGHT 10PM EST

Hey guys, come hangout with us THIS Monday Night for another live FTN webcast! We'll be talking about the new 40k kits, our FTN Mission Pack, thoughts on 40k Tournament play, and more. It's all happening THIS Monday Night 10pm EST. Plus we'll also be discussing new...

Prepare for Drop – Warzone Damocles Review!

Apocalypse players rejoice, for we have some kick ass new rules for FOUR different 40k armies! Both Space Marine and Tau players got some great datasheets for Apocalypse games.  Plus the Knight Titan got some loving too! So  if you're planning on playing the...