Not a Cowardly Lion – Conversion Corner

 Welcome to Conversion Corner, where we display great looking converted and Work In Progress (WIP) models from stuff we've done or amazing figures we've seen around. If you click on the Conversion Corner label you'll be able to scroll through...

FREE Bits Give Away

There is a little over three weeks left in our FREE giveaway! For this one, we're going to literally make it rain BITS! Recently we hit 40,000 likes on Facebook, and being a blog that covers the hobby of 40k, among other things, that's just neat. So to thank...

40k Showcase- Imperial Knight Titan Gallery

The newest Large scale kit for Games Workshop is taking the gaming community by storm, and people can't seem to get enough of this model! So lets take a look at all the shots I've take over the last few days of it.  Remember the rules for this guy are posted in...

Space… The Final White Dwarf Frontier?

Welcome to 40k Flashback, where I dig deep for something cool that I have or have seen from back in the day. Which according to the comic Dane Cook was a Wednesday... I actually never read this issue, as I could barely read when it came out, but for the time...

Cause Tau Don’t Surf- Hammerhead Army of One

Welcome to Army of One, where I display a great looking painted model from stuff I've done or amazing figures I've seen around. If you click on the Army of One label you'll be able to scroll through some great looking figures, all at once. Today we...