by Robin de Oliveira | Apr 26, 2013
XV8 Crisis Suit BuildsWith the FAQ out finally allowing the hallmark XV8 suits to double up on most weapons, builds have changed a lot. No longer is a Helios build the only good legal build, as now we serve direct roles with our suits. So, I’ve been devising some...
by Robin de Oliveira | Apr 2, 2013
Hi guys, I recently made a small program that'll make mathammer a little easier.It can be accessed Here.Happy hunting!
by Robin de Oliveira | Mar 9, 2013
So, as some of you may know, I've been making a Blood Angels Army. Currently, my list comprises:2 HQs, a Reclusiarch and a Librarian.20 Jumppack Assault Marines10 without, in 2 Razorbacks.10 Death Company with a Land Raider Redeemer2 Storm RavensSo Far, I've...
by Robin de Oliveira | Mar 7, 2013
Right, so I've seen lots of battle damage. It's like cheap porn in the world of tabletop gaming for painting purposes. It's easy to find, easy to produce and best of all, it is appealing for a little while. (I'm not making a comment on the quality of pornography, take...
by Robin de Oliveira | Mar 7, 2013
So, recently I bought 25 Assault Marines from forgeworld, in addition to some Meltaguns, flamers and missile launchers (if you couldn't guess, to arm my assault marines.)I noticed very quickly I was swamped with these small, rectangular prisms that looked a...