A foray into bloodangels

Blood angelsA brief history of an Author's gaming. I started 40k with Space Marines. Plain, simple space marines. They were poorly painted and they were rag-tag, often comprising multiple squads as I carelessly misplaced models and had my rhino's shattered by the...

AP2 Fixation

IntroductionWe all know sixth edition brought weird and wonderful changes to 40k, notably flyers and hull points for tanks, as well as weird psychic powers that were almost… generic. By far the most uncomfortable changes have occurred in assault, where certain armies...

Defining units in 40k

ThesisIt's very comfortable for us; 40k players find it simple to call a Space Marine Terminator 'heavy' and an Imperial Guardsman 'light'.Heavy Infantry?To truly define a unit in 40k, however, we must consider its potential and its roles. While an Assault...

Second Storm Raven Arriving

The Second Storm Raven, less weaponsIn keeping with the "I started grey knights so I could have Stormravens" I'm onto my second storm raven. The model is much like the first, a grey body with red and gold details. The only major differences are blue minor details...

Castellan Crowe

I don't mean to crowe on, but...This is my Castellan Crowe for my 2k Purifiers.He's probably going to get no love, no tank and no protection, but that doesn't mean he can't be first blood in style. I removed his standard. Not because I'm lazy or I didn't like it,...