Howto: Grey knights Part 1 (Purity seals)

PURITY SEALSThe other day, I played a game of 40k. My opponent said that if I were to lose, I had to show him how I painted my GK so quickly.Suffice to say, I lost. Hence, I will be doing a six part tutorial on my painting process.The tutorial episodes will be:1....

Grey knights updated. The Storm Raven

In my last post I did an Expose on my grey knights army. In that time, a lot of progress has been made. While fundamentally the list hasn't changed, the painting scheme has been finalised and I'm ready to produce more models as I need to. What I realised with...

Grey knight Purifiers + list

So, I've fallen victim to this. I have finally decided to fork out the money and build myself a cheesy list. So, this is my 2,000 point Purifier list. HQGrey Knights Grand Master- Rad Grenades- Psychotroke grenades- Master crafted Force Sword- 195 pointsOrdo...

Ultimate MEq Killer: Mathhammering

What kills a T4, W1 Sv 3+ model? Well, anything can, really. What? 1 lasgun shot won't kill squat?Well, be it as it may, The game is dice. If something hits on a 4+, wounds on a 5+ and then 3+ cancels it, what does that mean in averages?Did you know,...

Chaplain Vaerra’s Realisation model update.

I'm afraid that right not I'm fresh out of cash - not a dime on me. Therefore, buying the Emperor's champion model to make this model won't be bought for a long time. Suffice to say, I'll wait until I have the model to paint the wings and backpack. Regardless,...