by Robin de Oliveira | Mar 9, 2014
Preface:Daemons is a very, very linear codex in terms of actual options. Most codexes will allow the player's HQ to take exactly the weapons and wargear they want him to have. Not so with the Chaos Demons Codex - While you get access to good weapons in the rewards '0'...
by Robin de Oliveira | Mar 3, 2014
PrefaceHi guys, I'm returning to do part 1B of my review of the Daemons Codex. In this section I will cover the rewards that you roll for each game, as well as the psychic powers your daemons can roll on. After this, I'll be reviewing the HQ section of the codex,...
by Robin de Oliveira | Feb 26, 2014
Preface Hi guys, I had a lot of fun doing my review of the Space Marine codex, so I've decided to do something similar for the Chaos Demons Codex. I also plan to review the Tau Codexes and if I end up having time over the next few months, some of the other sixth...
by Robin de Oliveira | Feb 16, 2014
PrefaceThis is the final part of this coverage. I'm sure you all know the score by now, but if you don't, I Go through and rank the different units on an abstract scaling system to give an opinion of each unit that will hopefully allow the player to do justice with...
by Robin de Oliveira | Feb 6, 2014
Preface Okay, I lied. This, this here is the saddest entry in SM. Fast Attack makes the Elites look like they've got their shit together. That said, this is the stomping ground of the venerable Land Speeder, who takes his place at the top of the list in terms of...