by roemersworkshop | Apr 30, 2015
See what I did there? Yeah. Anyways, the results for my first poll attempt are out and the public has decided. Priority posting goes to the Space Hulk Genestealers and the Random Encounter! dwarf miniature after the showcase of the Lychguard which I hope to have...
by roemersworkshop | Apr 21, 2015
What a month this is for the hobby front – unusual load of work is prohibiting me from making significant leaps in completion however I did find some time to spare on my models the past weekend. Without further ado jump in to see what I’ve been up to...
by roemersworkshop | Apr 17, 2015
Today I’m taking an in-depth look at the expansion for the Relic Board game, Nemesis, by Fantasy Flight Games, which introduces the PVP aspect to the rather single player style of Relic. The review will be aimed primarily towards people who are acquainted with...
by roemersworkshop | Apr 8, 2015
I’m certainly going slower than I’d like in the hobby department these days but I’m at least making steady progress in the outstanding projects. This week I have some work done on the Lychguard and batch painting all five models in the unit goes...
by roemersworkshop | Apr 3, 2015
Since I spent the earlier Wednesday for the April Fool’s post (tell me you got it, come on), let me share the miniature work with you today. I do have some legitimate progress (although it’s not much) on a few models so hop in to see what’s been...