My twitter: minipainttips

If you have twitter, you might be interested in my new twitter feed; minipainttipsI will be posting at least 1 (sometimes more) paint tips a day. Very small, simple tips that i have learned myself, that i read, or that i notice on the internet.Follow now, maybe you'll...

Hobby: The Evolution of Painting.

I thought people would find this interesting.From the oldest model I could find I own, to the latest one I have finished.Nobody is born paintbrush in hand.Standard Troop1993 Blood Angel 2nd Edition model -> Sanguinary Guard, 2010.Characters1994(?) Corbulo ->...

Hobby: Blood Angel BaaL Predators.

I have returned to Australia, and done some hobby work.No painting yet, sadly.I have been busy with a lot of assembly I had been putting off until the move was complete.I have built, in no particular order.2 Baal Predators.The Fortresss of redemption.6 city of death...


Just to let everybody know.I apologize for the lack of updates, but I am currently moving country, from Japan back to Australia. Things are too hectic to do any painting, and most of my models are already packed away.I'll be back in Australia around July 29th, my...