Building a Fimir warband

In the previous article we took a look at “3rd party” miniatures that could be used as Fimir. Krakon Games has a wide selection of Fomorians that suit the role just fine, whether you... The post Building a Fimir warband appeared first on My...

Building a Fimir warband

In the previous article we took a look at “3rd party” miniatures that could be used as Fimir. Krakon Games has a wide selection of Fomorians that suit the role just fine, whether you... The post Building a Fimir warband appeared first on My...

Collecting Fimir miniatures

With old Gdub pretty much burying their Fimir range, which were already nichely hidden away in the tombs of Forge World, how do you go about collecting a Fimir army? eBay is rife with... The post Collecting Fimir miniatures appeared first on My Wargame.

A change of ways

With the promise of a new lease of life for Age of Sigmar (read: a points system) and combined with the glorious models that came with Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower, I have decided to... The post A change of ways appeared first on My Wargame.